Situated at the foot of Pirin mountain with favorable climatic conditions combined with clean air and mineral springs make Dobrinishte a unique place for winter and summer tourism.
See morePlaces amalgamating the history and beauty
Explore museums that have gathered memories of the past
People lived here six millennia B.C
curiosities and interesting sites in the area
Feel the healing power of the hot mineral water
The thermal deposit of Dobrinishte
riding on terrain or hiking tours with horses in Pirin
a great variety of active paintball adventures
200 km. marked routes for mountain biking
For the fans of excitements
200 km. marked routes for mountain biking
Huts and shelters in Pirin Naional Park
Marked tourist routes in Pirin National Park
Rivers in Pirin National Park
Peaks in Pirin National Park
Its age is estimated at more than 1300 years
Lakes in Pirin National Park
Location and Borders of Pirin National Park
Pirin National Park is included in the UNESCO convention for protection of world cultural and natural heritage
suitable for both white sports fans and people who want to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city
situated at 1,600 meters above the sea level in the area of the Logovete
is situated at 1,450 meters above the sea level at Golyana Mochara area